CuraƧao is Now Accepting Applications for Sub-Licence Holders

As of the 1st of November, the CuraƧao Gaming Control Board (GCB) shall be taking in applications from sub-licensing to be registered.

The full registration validation will take around 15 days to be verified and approved by the mentioned GCB.

Verification process

The GCB portal for sub-licence registration consists of five components to be fulfilled by the entity registering – the registration itself, account management, licence management, ticketing system and gaming applications.

A fully verified account would mean that GCB would need to issue a letter of authorization to the registered company, as well as an assigned email account that is also directly issued by CuraƧao’s Gambling Board. This will ultimately result in the final and full ownership and completion of a registered company.

If the authoritative bodies at GCB need any further documents, the applicants are given a 6-month time frame to submit all the pending required documents.

Why is this process being introduced in the first place?

The new introduction of fully registering sub-licences has come to action because of the new National Ordinance for Games of Chance (LOK), which will be enacted in the coming months. LOK is a provision measurement that will have the power to remove or temporarily withdraw licences and establish new gambling authorities.

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Responsible Gambling is a top priority. as per the new LOK ordinance

LOK’s presence will ensure more Responsible Gambling and enforce more strict user safety measures. Thus, registering such sub-licences is an important prerequisite to ensure the LOK’s high standards are imposed.

You can check out Canada’s full list of recognized Gambling Licence Entities. All online casinos operating in Canada have to be registered, as indicated in our article.

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Lara thinks that being happy is all about sipping beer by the sea with her favourite peeps. She understands people through conversation and tries to laugh her way through life. Cooking and writing are at the core of her being, and finds casino reviews to be the most interesting part of her job.

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